
Bündnis 90 Die Grünen

Ekin Deligöz

Member of Parliament
Ekin Deligöz Portrait 2021
For fair
As a society we need to be able to get along with each other: in a strong, pluralistic civic state and under gender-equitable conditions
Exclusion, racism, and far-right extremism are on the rise, as is a chilling contempt for democracy and diversity. We must strengthen the glue that holds our society together.

For equal

The fight for women’s rights has been long and filled with setbacks, which is precisely why I continue to fight for the rights of women.
Ekin Deligöz - Wahlwerbung

Dear Friends,

I’m often asked if I have a role model. When I was young there were hardly any immigrants in university track classes or at university, let alone in the political arena. So I read many biographies of courageous women, against all odds, helped shape the course of the world. Marie Curie, Hanna Arendt, Indira Gandhi, Emmeline Pankhurst. But they all seemed so remote and untouchable, from another time, another life. My grandmother was much more approachable. A housewife on a farm with chickens, cows, and a vegetable patch, she had seven children and was also one of the first council women in Tokat, Turkey, where I was born. During the day she would make the best tomato paste and take care of us children, while at the same time fight for the healthcare rights of young mothers in a patriarchal male-dominated world. In a world where her role was clearly defined, she didn’t conform to expectations and still got involved and affected change. She is my role model. Thinking of her gives me renewed courage and the motivation to fulfill my mandate with passion and responsibility every day.

What concerns me most is how we as a society can coexist successfully: in a strong, pluralistic, and gender equitable civil society with a fair social safety net. The hope of our children is – the hope of my childhood was – to belong. Children, no matter their background, should have the opportunity to become anything. I want walls to come down and barriers to become surmountable. This is my dream for an inclusive society.

I want to do my part, using my experience, passion, and competence.While also serving as a member of parliament working closely with the region of New Ulm, Günzburg, and in the Lower Allgäu. And, in these times, with a healthy dose of optimism!

Ekin Deligöz - Diskussionsrunde

At the beginning of the 20th legislative period, the then  Federal Minister for Family, Seniors, Women, and Youth, Anne Spiegel, swore me in as Parliamentary State Secretary. Gratified and honored, I accepted the office. Also Lisa Paus, Anne Spiegel’s successor in office, swore me in as Parliamentary State Secretary in April 2022. I see it as a vote of confidence in my work so far. After sixteen years in the opposition, the Greens are back in charge with a strong and diverse cabinet. With a great sense of duty, I will do my best during this legislative period to center children and tackle Germany’s family policy awakening.


My diary

My workdays are currently in a seemingly endless loop, from early in the morning until late at night, with few breaks and even these are filled with emails, videoconferences, bills, documents, texts, texts, and more texts. But also some exciting...
Mondays department head meeting, office meeting, intra-party working groups (AGs), inter-party working groups (AKs),work process meetings, etc. Tuesdays coalition talks, rapporteur discussions, leadership round, party Family working group, intra-party session, party open evening on current topics. Wednesday, committees, plenary question...


“Kinderchancen: Kinder schützen!” – so heißt der Podcast von Ekin Deligöz (Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) und Jörg M. Fegert (Ärztlicher Direktor der Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie/Psychotherapie am Universitätsklinikum Ulm). Zweiwöchentlich wird hier aus einem jahrzehntelangen Erfahrungsschatz zu Themen rund um die die Bedingungen, Arten und Weisen des Aufwachsens von Kindern in unserer Gesellschaft geschöpft und darüber gesprochen, debattiert und nachgedacht werden.

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